Instructional Focus
Attendance Goal
We will use weekly attendance meetings to develop tiered interventions across school community and targeted interventions for students who are chronically absent.
ELA Goal
We will develop staff capacity to ensure all students are engaged in authentic literacy tasks and design and implement instruction that addresses deeper learning and enables students to transfer learning.
Math Goal
We will develop staff capacity to design and implement instruction that addresses deeper learning and enables students to transfer learning.
2023-24 Instructional Focus
At New Prep we will cultivate a culturally responsive school environment that builds all students’ confidence to complete rigorous tasks using rich discussion, quality feedback and self-evaluation.
Our Reading Program at MS 8
Students engage in 90 minutes of reading instruction daily
Student are engaged in station learning
Extensive libraries in every classroom
Expeditionary Learning curriculum is used
Ready NY supplement
Technology infused in lessons
Our Math Program at MS 8
We utilize the following programs for Math:
Savva enVision Math 2.0
9th Grade Regents classes – Algebra I
Students engage in 90 minutes of math instruction daily
Student are engaged in station learning
Brain Power
Our school is a leadership school, fostering leadership among staff and students. We have partnered with Franklin Covey’s, “Leader in Me” program to ensure that all school stakeholders discover their individual leadership potential. New Prep’s rich tapestry of people, with varying cultures, warmly embraces families and prepares scholars for success in the global community and economy. Respect for others and appreciation of what makes one unique are at the core of daily life at New Prep 8Q.
We strongly believe in youth development which is evident in the various programs that we offer. We consider the advancement of the, “Whole Child” and afford scholars the tools to become college and career ready. Thus, we subscribe to the famous quote, “Give one a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach one to fish, he will eat for a lifetime.” It is our goal to see that all scholars graduate and have learned, “How to fish!" Click on the rubric to download the full report!
Technology at New Prep MS 8
We partner with Educate LLC Technology Coaches to provide one on one coaching for teachers to bring technology into their lessons meaningfully. Some components of our technology use include:
I-Ready instructional online program for ELA and Math
Smartboards in every classroom
Use of interactive tools such as Nearpod, Peardeck, and Kami
Use of Google Classroom LMS for managing assignments
Laptops in all classrooms
What Programs do we use at MS 8?
Built for the Common Core, i-Ready combines a valid and reliable growth measure and individualized instruction in a single online product that saves teachers time at a fraction of the cost of similar products.
Google Classroom
What is Project-Based Inquiry Science?
In PBIScience, students take part in science learning experiences framed around answering Big Questions or addressing Big Challenges that guide instruction and serve to organize their learning progressions. As students pursue answers, they conduct investigations, make models, collect and analyze data, weigh evidence, write explanations, and discuss and present findings.
PBIScience empowers students with STEM.
Students practice science in the classroom the way that scientists and engineers do. They work in collaborative groups to iteratively solve problems and explore challenges. Science and engineering practices are not just found in isolated inquiry activities, but permeate the entire curriculum.
Links to learn more!